Beginning Lord’s Day, September 26!
We’re excited to announce that after a year and a half we are ready to begin our traditional youth Church School classes again! One big change, however, is that the children will meet on Lord’s Day evenings, while the adults continue their study on the Heidelberg Catechism. Our evening study time will still be 6-7pm.
We value the opportunity for all generations to praise our Father together and to pray together. So the evenings will begin with families sitting together for praise and prayer time. Halfway though the service the children will be dismissed to their age appropriate classrooms (nursery through high school), spread throughout the building.
We are using a new children’s curriculum this year called DWELL, published by Faith Alive Christian Resources of the Christian Reformed Church in North America and the Reformed Church of America. DWELL presents the Bible as a life-transforming story of God’s amazing love for his people and world. Scripture is the foundation of every DWELL session and is rooted in a Reformed perspective. This perspective interprets the Bible first of all as the story of God. It approaches each story as part of the overarching story of God’s redemption and restoration of our fallen world through Jesus Christ. DWELL is not based on human morals or virtues, but on God’s actions in God’s Big Story. (*taken from DWELL’s website)
If you have any questions please feel free to contact the Christian Education committee (!